Saturday Night
Sitting at the computer with the UC - Houston game on my screen. The Bearcats are kicking their asses. Final score - Cincinnati 87 Houston 68.
Anyway, we did get an ice storm this morning. My son, Nick, called to tell me all the adventures he saw while trying to go to work. He started off by sliding on the ice and ending up under his neighbor's truck. There were massive pile-ups on the road by his apartment complex, a woman parking her 4WD and it continues to keep on sliding as she grabs on to the door and slides with it and more pile-ups. Sounded like a sitcom to me.
Haven't left the house all day, although I need to go out to my car and grab another pack of cigs.
Just tried to write a review on Mulholland Drive on my Indie-Culture site. I re-watched the DVD last night, but can't really review it. It's just too damn complicated. So, I did the best I could.
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