Another Excellent Ride

It took me 40 minutes of riding around Northside asking random people, "Do you know where the C&D Bar is?" Nobody could help me. Amazing, for such a little neighborhood.
But, I finally found it and had a beer and a free hotdog. Then it was time for us to mount up. It was awesome. We did a westside route with lots of speed and curves.
That's me in the back, on the left.
Time to get to The Comet and meet up with the other losers that never go on the club rides. Seems mostly us with newer scoots are the ones who ride. Those vintage people never have theirs running. I'm beginning to think my little piece of shit is a vintage scooter since it's broken all the time.
I love my XYL people! There are so many new people in the club because scooters are selling like crazy. Yup, you can thank W. for not caring about the out-of-sight gas prices. (Probably not really his fault, but I just despise that idiot so much!) Back on topic, I always felt like the new kid, but now I'm starting to feel like an old timer. I still don't know everybody's names and it keeps getting harder with the infiltration of rookies.
I took the two reverends in the club outside to show them the "Jesus Rocks" sticker on my bike. Thanks Nick and Sara for that little gem. Those guys are great and they laughed their asses off. It's a blast listening to them tell stories (cursing and all).
Oh, one more important note, I met a real rock star, Jack (not White) of The Raconteurs. Good times.
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