Ramblings and rants about the amusing, stupid things that happen to me in and around Cincinnati.

Monday, February 06, 2006

I'm Afraid The Greatest Radio Station Ever Is About To Go Under, Again

Shit, fuck, crap. damn...I can't go thru this heartache again!

woxy.com, the best indie station EVA announced today that they are moving to a subscription basis. That's fine with me. $10/month. No problem. The problem is so many people are talking about satellite radio fo $13/month with 150 channels. This troubles me kids. I've heard Lucy, Fred & Ethel (the alternative stations) and they don't come anywhere close to woxy.com!

Shit, I even bought an XM receiver tonight...just for the hell of it. I can get on Candice & Jim's plans for $6.00/month. But none of this stuff can ever come close to woxy.com!

So, if any of you, love indie music like me and can afford $9.95/month, please contribute. I don't think I can live through this again. But, if it's shut down...I love you Barb, Mike, Shivy & Bryan Jay. Long live the cause. 97X, Bammmm, the future of rock and roll!

BTW Barb, don't start smoking because of this! I haven't, but I'm eating a lot of the Commit lozenges. Hang in there.


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