Ramblings and rants about the amusing, stupid things that happen to me in and around Cincinnati.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Thanks Brian, Greg & Barry

Today's ride was freakin' awesome! I met up with the Northside gang at 10:20 a.m. and we rode to Milford and found the rest of the dumb-asses. Had breakfast at Cracker Barrel, a kick-ass breakfast, I might add.

Then we went on a crazy scooter ride. I don't know where we were, somewhere way out east? We went over a covered bridge (there aren't many of those left). But anyway, I digress. I rode my scoot for at least eight hours today. And it was great. I love these guys!

BTW, I just spell-checked and it wanted to turn freakin' into foreskin. That ROCKS!

Watch out scooterdave.com (the place to see all our photos), scooterroach.com will be online soon! I guess I'll have to buy a better camera?



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