Ramblings and rants about the amusing, stupid things that happen to me in and around Cincinnati.

Friday, January 12, 2007

I Might Be Back?

I ordered a laptop tonight. Since Candice and Jim have moved back (and I don't have a job) I don't write too much!

I've got so many photos and shit to share. We've been to Phoenix (and have tickets to go back in two months), new PS3 and Wii. I also have a new phone and camera! So many pictures to show but my computer is out of usb space. Come on Dell, deliver my new laptop so I can continue with life.

Hopefully, I am back on track and still decompressing from that horrible job. Oh, yeah, I'm even going to deliver pizzas for a bit. Yup, that asshole dragged me down about as far as you can go.

Rock on!!!



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