Made A Huge Decision Tonight...
I'm done with freakin' stupid West Chester, Fairfield, Hamilton, or whatever!
My heart belongs in Northside! Home of my scooter friends and rock friends. I am working there (very cheaply) as a bookkeeper for my good friend, Leslie. I plan on finding more work as a server, bartender, or something! Shit, I am even on the C&Ds softball team.
Northside is where I want to be!
I've raised two awesome kids; Nick is turning 29 today. I have the greatest granddaughter in the world. I watched Mom die. It's my turn now to live my dream...the ROCK STAR dream. There are so many great bands in Northside. I am writing my ass off (which Mom would have adored, and I'm sure she does.) I have at least 10 songs I'm writing now...meow.
I still love you folks up north, but I want to follow my dream!
I want music and more music...scooters and more scooters!
My buddies up north, I want to say, once again, I love you...especially, Rox, Rick, Tim, Judy, Mark, Tom, Carrol, Becky, Doug, Christi, Tara, Treena, Tricky Ricky, Gina, Brenda (I'll be calling you for a ride), Kat, Jim, Gary, Chris, Shelley, Chris, Jen, Jamie (sorry about that shit a couple years ago), Brad, Alicia, Gary, Jeff, Nick, Angie, The Bradys, Diane, Randy and so many others I can't think of...especially the hostess chick & husband who's been gone for a couple of months with a new grandchild!
Oh, Mady, "Girl Power."
Yah, too much to drink tonight. Just trying to send out thanks to those I can remember, but there are so many others I haven't named! Suffering from "old timers"?
Just saying, this isn't an actual goodbye, but I have finally discovered myself and know where I want to be...I love you all and will certainly still see you...just not as much!
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