Ramblings and rants about the amusing, stupid things that happen to me in and around Cincinnati.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

A "Trying Day And Night And Day"

Had to work in the "big house" most of today and all tomorrow. Ya you know, I'm a team player and will do the pinch hitter role whenever necessary. But, fuck, don't bitch when I missed a fuckin' $8.00 in discounts on a $5,000 - $6,000 payment! Christ, I checked that shit three times before cutting the check! First of all, I have to go in and fudge the dates to get the 2% discount! Christ, man, give us a break, already! It's not my fault, you know, who quit without any warning! We're doing the best we can (without knowing what in the hell we're doing). Give us a break already. Here's $10! Spend the extra $2 on a beer, and lighten up!

Oh, one more thing, FUCK OFF!

P.S. Remember, I never talk about work here. Hopefully, I won't be the next Dooce or Mark Jen. Amen.


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