Ramblings and rants about the amusing, stupid things that happen to me in and around Cincinnati.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Now Back To tonight

Having problems publishing. Oh, well.

Nick actually called me tonight on my way home and wanted to go see Roxy. Is this a rerun of last night with Candice?

I haven't talked to Nick for more than 30 seconds during the last two weeks. I was smeriously worried about him. He's fine and has some good news from his job. They pulled him off his current job and want to train him in every facet of the company. And, hopefully, the goal is in a couple of years he'll be a bona fide trouble shooter traveling all over the world and making huge amounts of dollars. When he told me the daily rate his boss told him he'd make, I said, "HOLY FUCK, DO NOT LOSE THIS JOB!"

No, shit. This could be absolutely huge for him!!! Geez, I hope so, the kid is so intelligent and has never had the chance to prove himself. This place actually listens to him and he has solved a lot of problems. He is so talented and I hope (pray) this works out for him.

Meanwhile, I'm watching "Nip / Tuck" and I forgot how gross this show can get sometimes. I'm lovin' it.


Blogger TylerM said...

Does Nick need a young go getter to pose as his assistant? Anyways... Nip/Tuck last night holy shit. They said they where going to push the barrier, and wowzers! I think I'm going to go by season 2 on DVD though. I don't remeber all of the subplot lines that are going on.

2:09 AM


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