Shit, fuck, crap. damn...I can't go thru this heartache again!, the best indie station EVA announced today that they are moving to a subscription basis. That's fine with me. $10/month. No problem. The problem is so many people are talking about satellite radio fo $13/month with 150 channels. This troubles me kids. I've heard Lucy, Fred & Ethel (the alternative stations) and they don't come anywhere close to!
Shit, I even bought an XM receiver tonight...just for the hell of it. I can get on Candice & Jim's plans for $6.00/month. But none of this stuff can ever come close to!
So, if any of you, love indie music like me and can afford $9.95/month, please contribute. I don't think I can live through this again. But, if it's shut down...I love you Barb, Mike, Shivy & Bryan Jay. Long live the cause. 97X, Bammmm, the future of rock and roll!
BTW Barb, don't start smoking because of this! I haven't, but I'm eating a lot of the Commit lozenges. Hang in there.