Ramblings and rants about the amusing, stupid things that happen to me in and around Cincinnati.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Rock Band, Guitar Hero & The Hiders

Wednesday, the night before Thanksgiving, I went to Candice and Jim's. We played four or five hours on Rock Band, the greatest game to ever exist! I got a blister on my thumb from the strut bar which turned into a nasty pulled-off-skin kind of stuff. Too much fun! Our band is named "The Blue Eyed Jews." We practiced over and over on Garbage's "I Think I'm Paranoid." We were going to unveil it to the masses at Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, the youngsters got ahold of the peripherals before we could, and they were awesome. Shit, Ian has a great future as a drummer, or guitarist, or vocalist. Long story short, we never got to perform...thank God...those three little kids completely ROCKED!

Candice and Jim moved out a few weeks ago and took the PS3 and Wii. But they left the PS2 behind. I brought it up to my room tonight and played three hours of Guitar Hero. I need to practice my licks for the next time we get to play Rock Band, I'm trying to use a pick since my thumb is so hurt. I started getting to the point where I couldn't play anymore and remembered "The Hiders" were playing at Northside Tavern at 10:30. I took off my jamies and jumped in the shower. Damn it, I've never seen them and I met Beth Tuesday at the Comet. She swore she would remember me.

This was my chance to see them live, so I drove the half hour to Northside. They were already playing when I got there 15 minutes early. WTF?

They were rocking the house. I've only heard one song by them, "You Can't Hurt Me Anymore." But, shit, the music was awsome!

During the break, Beth was talking to three to four people sitting next to me. Finally I became inpatient and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and yelled, "Rochelle, I'm so glad you made it!" We chatted and hugged, blah, blah, blah.

Shit, they are so awesome! Then I met a very nice gentleman, Maury. I invited him to come to O'Chucks tomorrow and I seriously hope he shows up. A great guy! He has potential.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I "Heart" Huckabee

If I weren't so "left wing" and somebody said I had to vote Republican...it would be for Mike Huckabee.

Fuck off Rudi! You are such an asshole, Rudi.

I loved it when John McCain said all of your sentences contained a noun, a verb and 9/11.

Get over it already. I'm sick of you, W. & company running the platform on fear.

If your buddy could listen (or at least stand still) for five minutes or so, he could have stopped the terrorists. I'm sick of you FUCKTARDS!


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Magical Evening

First I visited my local Best Buy store and they had 15 "Rock Band" bundles, but none for the PS3, only XBox 360. Grabbing my non-existant balls, I traveled to "Target." Of course I didn't grab a cart. Nobody, has this game in a bundle for a PS3. I have two ordered on stupid web sites, but they are all backordered which means I MIGHT get them in time for Christmas for Candice and Jim.

I entered Target without a cart. They aren't going to have any. But, holy fuck, there was one staring out of the case at me. "Dude, is that really for a PS3?" It was...shoot and score! It was pretty heavy carrying it out to the car. Doesn't matter, I got one!

After I took that bad boy home since I was traveling to the hood, I went to the hood and listened to the bullshit why I am a member.

I got bored and decided it was time to leave. Went to the bar and asked Seth to bring my check. Somehow I was talking to the couple next to me and it turns out the chick is from the band, "The Hiders." Shit, I gushed all over and told her that the song, "You Can't Hurt Me Anymore," is my favorite since listening to the radio 13 moths ago. It doesn't matter, I'm so happy I met her and her boyfriend.

Ya know Arn, it's like we met the "Fairmount Girls" in person, which I have. Northside freakin' ROCKS!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING, and RIP Joe Nuxhall! I'll always remember you.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I Think I Just Figured Out His Eyebrows...

My mother could have helped Todd Santos, from msnbc. I'm not sure how he fucked it all up, but that guy looks like a stupid clown...not a Peewee Herman clown, but just really stupid looking and scary!

That guy gives me the willies! Sorry Todd, but your browes are weirding me out. Maybe I need to go to sleep earlier so I don't have to look at that, but, whatever...

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Veruca Salt!

Does anybody besides me remember them? I'm just playing my iPod and I swear they were so freakin' great!

Sheesh, that was back in the day where girl bands were doing great. What happened?

I miss those days. I miss my kids. I miss my friends from back then!

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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Todd Santos on msnbc

So, this dude is on my TV every morning. Who in the fuck drew his eyebrows on?

WTF? They are hideous. I even tried to Google him with the eyebrows but nothing came up. I guess it's up to me?

Dude, Todd, get a different makeup artist. Trust me on this.

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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Just Googled My Name

This is awesome! From Fergie nine years ago...good old days:

Subject: Rochelle Fest ReviewAuthor: Michael FergusonDate: 5 Sep 1996
The 3rd Annual Rochelle Fest, held this past Sunday at Le Resort du Rochelle near Cincinnati, was an even bigger success than the previous two. The place rocked with juggling energy and numerous IJA gold medal winners were to be found in attendance.But it wasn't one of the gold medalists that was the star of this year's event but instead it was young Zack Wildofsky. Not yet three years old and attending his first juggling festival, Zack continually wowed the crowd with his uncanny juggling instincts.Nattily attired in a dark green golf shirt and a pair of rubber training pants over his diapers, he worked non-stop on 5 rings with pulldowns showing a dedication seldom seen in even the best of jugglers. While his club skills were somewhat limited, he was able to demonstrate a fine club kickup technique. Zack also showed some innovative ball through ring passing tricks as well as flawless backcross passes with balls.His father Sam says that Zack watches juggling videos for hours each day, his favorite being the 1991 St. Louis IJA video from which he cannot be pried away. Surely there is a talent being born here and you will likely be hearing more of Zack in the years to come. [Assuming, of course, that he doesn't develop a sudden interest in lawns and decide that his future lies in cutting grass in some friggin' desert somewhere.]Zack wasn't the whole story however, here's just a small sampling of the other sights at the festival:*The trio of Rochelle McCollom, Merry Spahr, and Erica Kelch demonstrating their "Wally Walking" style of club passing.*Erica, celebrating her [age deleted]th birthday by teaching everyone her new "Erica's Elimination" move with balls.*Arn Ward's fearless six bag juggle with a rare set of Fergie Bags.*Scott Sorensen showing us all how 6 clubs is juggled and also managing a flash of 7 clubs before moving on to do his usual high numbers juggling with rings.*One of the Cain brothers kicking a ball up behind his back and into a two high ball spin.*Yours Truly flashing his personal best with the five-ball behind-the-back limbo shower [which was missed by everyone due to their attendance at the club gather competition - Damn!].Probably the most popular trick was the popsickle-on-tongue balance which John Phipps introduced at the fest and which we all had a go at. We didn't all have a go at the synchronized juggle/swim however, but we all watched as two of the Scotts (Cain and Sorensen) had a go at it and go at it they did. Man, those two Scotts did not lack for buoyancy that's for sure, and their sterling performance was rewarded with more popsickles.A third Scott was in attendance too -- IJA Games-meister Scott Slesnick. This Scott refereed the 8 ring challenge, won by Yours Truly in a major upset over an upset David Cain. Fortunately for the both of us, Scott Sorensen missed the starting time for the event and was not allowed to compete. Never-the-less, Mr. Sorensen did shove a qualifying run of 8 rings in our faces on his first attempt just to show us who the _real_ boss was.Slesnick also led the Club Gather competition which was won by Aaron Bonk. Aaron broke the North American Club Gathering record by pulling in 43 clubs before finally dropping on number 44.Le Resort du Rochelle is my favorite juggling festival site. With indoor and outdoor juggling facilities, an open-air pool, an on-site 24 hour cafe, ample crash space for the sleeping bag crowd, and an air-conditioned video room it's the ideal locale for an end of the year juggling blow-out. Added for this year's event was a UV room and it proved quite popular with late-night jugglers. Another big hit at this year's Rochelle Fest was the fireworks show. Attendees at the first Rochelle Fest will recall the sad accident that occurred when one of our ranks attempted to put on an amateur fireworks show, so last year such activites were banned. But this year Rochelle came back bigger and better than ever with a professionally orchestrated explosion of sight and sound that could be seen throughout the greater-Cincinnati area. Magnifique!After the fireworks it was time for Club Rochelle. The show featured no juggling (true Club Renegade style, eh?) and was headlined by David Cain. David proved a master at comedy, presenting hilarious routines such as "My ex-Girl Friend Had Gas ALL the Time", "The Dinosaur Walk", and "My Brother is Such a Liar". The latter routine left us all in stitches since we had earlier in the day been treated to an impromptu rendition of a similar routine by his twin brother Scott. David also led everyone in a chorus of Happy Birthday for Dina and Erica after which we all helped them devour their birthday cake.After the show it was time for UV juggling and more food and even more juggling and even more food and (of course) the traditional "Slag Off" wherein jugglers slag other jugglers who aren't present to defend themselves until only one juggler is left awake and slagging. This year's event ended at around 4:30am in a rare three-way tie between Nick McCollom, Scott Slesnick, and Yours Truly. Many jugglers were slagged and a good time was had by all!Kudos to Rochelle for hosting the premier juggling event of the summer!--Your Truly (a.k.a. Fergie)

First Interview In 17 Years!

It was nerve-wracking, to say the least. I had to meet with 14-15 people in a big corporate climate. Everything I've done in the last two decades was with small corporations. Everything I ever did was on my own.

The thought of working on a team is so exciting...I've never had that benefit! I just want to learn more and more. I was pigeonholed into old technology for so long; this would be a great move for me, if I get there! My fingers are crossed. I really liked these people and think I can be an asset to them! I really want this opportunity.

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Friday, November 02, 2007

My Horoscope

Weird stuff:

May 21 - June 20Right now you might be in the process of moving from one job to another, dear Gemini. This might even be a total change in career. Your hard work is paying off, though it may not show up in your bank account for a while yet. There might be contracts to be executed first. Your social life may be put on hold until all facets of this transition are worked out. Don't be intimidated, however. You've made the right choice.

Yeah, I put my resume out the other day and a corporate place picked it up.

I have an appointment Monday which is turning out to be four hours of interviews, where I'll be meeting 14 or so of my potential work mates.

All I can do is be myself and charm them, right? That's all I have going for me. I can do this!

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