Ramblings and rants about the amusing, stupid things that happen to me in and around Cincinnati.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Trent Reznor Is A God

What a show! NIN completely rawked my world Saturday.

Here's where we sat:

We had two sets of tickets. We got four suite tickets from Candice's work at the last moment.

I'll bet, though, the other seats were better since they were behind the sound engineer and not a million feet in the air.

One last thing...check out my myspace page. Don't have a lot of friends yet, but I'm working on it.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Fun Weekend Coming Up

Haven't written for awhile. It's all Cleo's fault. I can't stand sitting at this computer since she pulled the speakers and lamp down. I'm too lazy to climb under the desk and sort out the gazillion cables. I used to love sitting down here and write with the tv sized small on my monitor. Thanks, Cleo! But I digress.

I really don't have much to say...like the Nine Inch Nails song, "Every Day Is Exactly the Same." Speaking of NIN, it's family slumber party weekend which includes seeing them in concert. Can you believe I have never seen them before? I've also never seen Radiohead, but will get to experience that show mid-June at the Bonnaroo Festival in Tennessee (another family event).

Anyway, I'm looking forward to tomorrow through Sunday. Too bad Doug has to run off to Vail Saturday morning. We could have scored an extra ticket for you too.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Wisconsin Quarter Typos

Candice gave me a Wisconsin quarter to see if it's one of those rare ones with an extra leaf. I tried searching "wisconsin quarter typos" to find the article I read a few weeks ago. Can't find any real good info about this quarter. Everything I find, the photos are too small or blurry to actually see what the typo is. Something about an extra leaf on the cornstalk.

One of the things I read was that a lot of them were initially sent to Ohio and Georgia. These things are selling for up to $500 on Ebay. Could we be that lucky? Oh, well, I guess I need to go through my massive amount of quarters on my dresser and see if I have any Wisconsin quarters and start comparing.

Monday, February 13, 2006

"The 72 Year Old Gentleman Dick Cheney Shot..."

Quote of the year. Pure comedy gold.

Could the Bush administration suck more?

Friday, February 10, 2006

Taste My Sad

So, my beloved Arrested Development kind of, sorta, but probably most definitely ended tonight with a four episode show against the opening cerimonies of the Olympics. Good call FOX, let's promote the HELL out of the show...NOT! But hey, it was a good run and they finished first class!

Then, on top of this, my WOXY is about to go under! How much heartache can one person take?

You know bad things come in threes. I guess that means prohibition is next.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Scored The Trifecta Of Music


Hopefully, my beloved bam, the future of rock n roll is not going to close down again. I really don't think I can deal with it. I bought a one month subscription and have offered to adopt another five people for three months whom can't afford it. Not that I can afford an extra $50/month to support my music, but hey, I did quit smoking. And I did cancel that useless msn dial up account I haven't used for years (kind of forgot about it). If I can make a difference, then I want to.

Back to the trifecta. So I get to listen to (for now) 8-1/2 hours a day to woxy on the streaming internet. I pick the best tunes and buy them through iTunes and download to my iPod. I've had XM for 24 hours now. While it is nice, it just doesn't quite dig down into the true indie stuff. Lucy, Fred and Ethel are ok (Ethel has the newest stuff - I think) they don't come anywhere close. XMU and Unsigned are, in my opinion, closer to the tunes I like. I just don't know yet. After I've had more time to listen, I'll re-evaluate.

Here's to my woxy which has affected me all of these years. Please don't go away!

Monday, February 06, 2006

I'm Afraid The Greatest Radio Station Ever Is About To Go Under, Again

Shit, fuck, crap. damn...I can't go thru this heartache again!

woxy.com, the best indie station EVA announced today that they are moving to a subscription basis. That's fine with me. $10/month. No problem. The problem is so many people are talking about satellite radio fo $13/month with 150 channels. This troubles me kids. I've heard Lucy, Fred & Ethel (the alternative stations) and they don't come anywhere close to woxy.com!

Shit, I even bought an XM receiver tonight...just for the hell of it. I can get on Candice & Jim's plans for $6.00/month. But none of this stuff can ever come close to woxy.com!

So, if any of you, love indie music like me and can afford $9.95/month, please contribute. I don't think I can live through this again. But, if it's shut down...I love you Barb, Mike, Shivy & Bryan Jay. Long live the cause. 97X, Bammmm, the future of rock and roll!

BTW Barb, don't start smoking because of this! I haven't, but I'm eating a lot of the Commit lozenges. Hang in there.

Friday, February 03, 2006

I Love WOXY.com

Crap, I don't think I've ever heard "Little Wonder" by David Bowie on the radio EVER! I love this song.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Heard A Good Joke About Smoking

This comedienne said on Bob and Tom, "I'm trying to quit smoking. I went for two weeks. Then I realized you have to replace cigarettes with other things, like pot and cake. I'd rather be dead than fat and retarded."

No shit. Sounds like what I did last night. But, I am not going back to that disgusting habit.