Ramblings and rants about the amusing, stupid things that happen to me in and around Cincinnati.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Taste My Happy!

Oh. My. God.

It is happening again. woxy.com is rising from the ashes like a phoenix. This station will never die.

Last Monday, a post appeared titled "White Knight." Nobody thought this Bill Nguyen was for real wanting to buy the station. That's right he shows up two days after it went dark.

This guy is for real. He's a legend in the Internet world and has created many successful dot.coms. Here is a quote from him:

"Thank you

Over the last week, I've seen the best parts of community online. While many websites describe themselves as a community, they're no more than a bulletin board for folks to catch up. It doesn't matter if it's called GeoCities or MySpace, it's just a big email account.

WOXY is dramatically different. Started by Doug and Linda and carried on the airwaves for more than two decades, WOXY became a place where people built memories and shared experiences through music.

While WOXY is broadcasted across the Internet to far reaching places, it always carries a bit of Cincinnati, OH and the incredible kind spirit of the people here. They're independent and believe that music is more than just some form of content but it's a part of their culture and their lives.

Over the next year, I'll work to tell music fans across the States and the globe that independent music started in Oxford, OH and it foster in your city through WOXY.com. The music scene in San Francisco during the 60's changed a generation and believe that what's happening at WOXY could turn the tide of 'one size fits all' music.

What was started in Ohio may change music forever and define it's future.

We'll be providing some ideas for how you can help WOXY later this week and next week will be an amazing moment for WOXY and the future of Rock and Roll.

More than ever, I feel incredibly grateful for the opportunity to continue the tradition you've built.


WOW! I can't wait to see what the future of rock and roll holds. Rock on!

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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Scoot-A-Que Was A Blast

Sadly, I am such a dumb ass, I ran out of oil and blew my engine on the way home. Jim, Candice and Nick think I should pick the scooter up tonight, buy a new engine and replace it this winter.

On the happy side, I bought a metallic blue Stella (limited edition) last night. It is awesome. I'm picking it up next week. It's slightly used with 280 miles on it. Plus, it has a rear rack! Got to remember oil, oil, oil.

I guess I'll have to learn how to put the thing on the center stand. I can't do it with my Milano, but it has a side stand.

Thanks to the Columbus Cutters for putting on such an excellent rally. I made so many new friends.


Friday, September 15, 2006

A Very Sad, Yet Exciting Day

This blows having to go through the demise of woxy.com, again. This was the greatest radio station ever. I will always love you and cherish the buttload of bumper stickers you guys gave me when I went to the station and hung out. RIP woxy.

But on the happier side, I'm leaving on my scooter in three hours for a rally in Columbus. Should be a great time.

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I Am So Sad And Very Angry!

All this 9/11 bullshit coverage from the paid-off media.

Here's what I posted on the scooter forum after watching Keith Olbermmann's clip before W. gave his speech:

"Thanks for posting that link. I am becoming as angry as Keith Olbermmann. Everyday I discover more anger over this fuckin' lying fascist administration and their crony media ass-kissers.

A couple of months ago, I received a phone call from the NRA wanting my support. The caller blabbered on about gun owners losing their constitional right to bear arms and it's all Hiliary Clinton's fault.

Then came the big question posed to me, is it fair for them to lose their right? I laughed and said, "I don't give a fuck about you right wing Bible thumping fundamentalists. I care about the important rights that your freakin' W. and Duck Cheney have stripped away from me. You've called the wrong person."

Sorry for the rant, but damnit, I am pissed."


Monday, September 11, 2006

The Stupidest Day Of My Life - EVER!

Wow, what a dumb day. Saturday, Doug, Dorothy, Candice and I went to the VinoKlet Wine Festival. We drank way too much wine and I spent the night at Doug and Dorothy's. I rode my scooter to their house because the XYL's were having a scooter tune up party this morning. D & D live really close to Clifton and it made sense to go from their house.

So, I'm riding around Clifton trying to find this building called the "Mockbee" and finally I see scooters on the sidewalk. Being the dumb ass that I am, I try to jump the curb. Guess what? I had the throttle wide open and couldn't find my brakes. Yup, I crashed into the freakin' building! What a way to meet up with scooter friends. I am so embarrased, but I have to admit, it was funnier than hell.

That's me, Doc Bob and Laurie shortly after the crash. I look pretty embarrased, eh?

I was a nervous wreck when I left. This is where the wine part from yesterday comes in. I was so dehydrated, but couldn't stop to get anything because it's a pain in the ass to take off the helmet, gloves, jacket and backpack. Dying of thirst, riding up Hamilton Avenue, I get stuck behind a parade. Damn, I had to get something to drink! Finally, I reach Kemper and head east to O'Chuck's to get some coke and watch the end of the Bengal's game. I sit down at the bar and there is nobody to serve me. Gary sees me from the kitchen and comes to my rescue and gives me a coke. Brad eventually shows up and I think I drank about 23 cokes in a matter of minutes.

Blah, blah, blah. Of course the Bengals win. Who Dey! Oh, and my man, Bronson Arroyo won for the Reds again. Good sports day in Cincy.

For some reason Roxy shows up and invites me to her house for Gary's daughter's birthday party.

The next stupid thing to happen is her cat, "Psycho" keeps getting loose and running away. He gets halfway out the door and we yell at Maddy to "Shut the door." She does. And, unfortunately, about two inches of his tail gets chopped off.

What a day. I had to babysit Maddy until they got back from the animal ER. Poor kitty has to have surgery. And, I'm one tired mofo.


Sunday, September 03, 2006

Thanks Brian, Greg & Barry

Today's ride was freakin' awesome! I met up with the Northside gang at 10:20 a.m. and we rode to Milford and found the rest of the dumb-asses. Had breakfast at Cracker Barrel, a kick-ass breakfast, I might add.

Then we went on a crazy scooter ride. I don't know where we were, somewhere way out east? We went over a covered bridge (there aren't many of those left). But anyway, I digress. I rode my scoot for at least eight hours today. And it was great. I love these guys!

BTW, I just spell-checked and it wanted to turn freakin' into foreskin. That ROCKS!

Watch out scooterdave.com (the place to see all our photos), scooterroach.com will be online soon! I guess I'll have to buy a better camera?


Friday, September 01, 2006

Goodbye WOXY Again

My heart is breaking again. I'm afraid it's final this time.

I'll miss you guys Barb, Shiv, Mike & Bryan. Thanks for the wonderful years.

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